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The subject of the article is involved with season 1 The subject of the article is involved with season 2 The subject of the article is involved with season 3 The subject of the article is involved with season 4 The subject of the article is involved with season 5 The subject of the article is involved with season 6
Sean Renard's Home
605-Renard's new home
Location: Portland, Oregon
Regulars: Sean Renard
Diana Schade-Renard
Others: Dead Martin Meisner (spirit)
Adalind Schade

Sean Renard's Home is the private residence of Sean Renard. Diana also splits time between living with him and living with Nick, Adalind, and Kelly at the loft. ("El Cuegle") ("The Seven Year Itch")

Former Homes[]


Renard's condo was 16 stories up and numbered 1605. It was located near downtown Portland. Renard lived there alone, but he had a housekeeper until she was murdered by Akira Kimura. ("Woman in Black") In the wake of members of the Verrat being sent after him and Adalind to get their daughter, Diana, he started living in a hotel to keep a low profile after both Verrat members were killed. ("The Law of Sacrifice")


He moved into his new home while he recovered from being shot. ("Blond Ambition") He bought the house using some of his mother's small fortune. ("Cry Luison") The house overlooked downtown Portland but was in a more secluded area than his former condo, and it was numbered 5759. Once Renard was elected as mayor, he swiftly moved out. ("Bad Night")


Over a year and a half after moving into his house, Renard moved out in order to stay at a mansion provided by, and originally heavily guarded by, Black Claw. With the help of Black Claw, he forced Adalind to move in, and she brought Diana and Kelly with her. ("The Taming of the Wu") ("Bad Night") Renard and Black Claw wanted Adalind and the kids to live in the mansion too because it looked better if a mayor had a family by his side. He only lived in the mansion for a short while, however, as right after the election results revealed that Renard would be the new mayor of Portland, Black Claw was mostly wiped out in the city, including Bonaparte. ("The Beginning of the End") Days after that, Nick used a Verfluchte Zwillingsschwester potion to abdicate Renard's mayorship, ("Oh Captain, My Captain") so Renard decided to move out since he was no longer going to be the mayor. ("El Cuegle")

