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522-Schakal woge
Other languages: German: Schakal
Hungarian: Sakál
Russian: Шакал
Spanish: Schakal
Farsi: شاکال
Notables: Dead Soledad Marquesa
Dead Ian Flynn
Dead Hans Roth
Dead Akira Kimura
Dead Adrian Zayne
Dead Richard Berna
Food Cart Santa
Warden Hooke
Dead Harold Johnson
Dead Otto Gruenwaldt
Dead Sig Ganz
Dead Marshall

A Schakal (SHAAK-aal; Ger. Schakal "jackal") is a jackal-like Wesen that first appeared in "Three Coins in a Fuchsbau".


Upon woge, Schakal features shift, adopting more canid characteristics, a short wide nose, a heavy brow, and large canine ears. They grow fur across their bodies and also gain a large, thick mane under their chins that extends to their sideburns. While this fur growth does not usually continue to the back of their hands, it is possible, as observed in the case of Adrian Zayne. They also possess a prognathism (or underbite) and sharp, thin teeth, which are strong enough to rip a man's throat out. ("Woman in Black")

Much like fellow canine Wesen, Blutbaden, Schakal are both stronger and faster than humans. One was able to easily escape a pursuing policeman and jump over a fence to avoid him. He was later able to overpower a grown man with one hand. They also possess very quick reflexes, as one was able to dodge a crossbow bolt at short range. Physically, they are able to hold out in a fight with a Grimm, much longer than most Wesen manage. They also possess much greater durability than humans but can still be killed by gunshots and poisons.


Over the centuries, they have proven to be naturally aggressive, cruel, and violent, and they will let nothing stand in the way of their goals. Grimms have executed Schakal by beheading like they have with so many other Wesen. In this case, an iron-wrought Schakal Axe is most often used to commit the beheadings. Schakal are seemingly social Wesen and are commonly seen working with groups of their own kind, though there is often an air of mistrust and hostility amongst them.

Excerpt from Grimm Diaries[]

Der Schakal hat große Ohren und scharfe Zähne Seine Augen sind dunkel und gemein.

Ein Schakal kann man nicht trauen. Der Körper eines Schakals ist zäh und kräftig. Sie riechen nach den Toten. Wilden. Die Schakal laufen in Gruppen. Sie werden von Ihnen stehlen. Schützen Sie Ihre Sachen und Ihre Kinder.

Man darf nie das Vertrauen eines Schakals aus irgendeinem Grund.
The Schakal has big ears and sharp teeth. Its eyes are dark and mean.

You cannot trust a Schakal. The body of a Schakal is tough and burly. They smell of the dead. Wild ones. The Schakal run in packs. They will steal from you. Protect your things and your children. You can never, for any reason, trust a Schakal.

The Schakal has pointed ears and sharp teeth. Broad muscular shoulders. The Schakal eyes see dark and calculating. Their sharp teeth can saw through face without effort. Dog-biter behavior that cannot be tempted.

Auf dem Weg von München nach Augsburg fand ich am Waldrand ein kleines Feurelein vor. Mit aller Heimlichkeit stieß ich auf zwei Reisende, die sich an einem Stück rohes Fleisch gütlich taten. Während ich noch näher schlich, ersah ich, wie ihre Gesichtszüge aufeimal wild wurden, und sogleich erkannte ich sie für Schakaln. Wie ich sie aber allmählich erreichte, erkannten sie mich und flohen.


On my way from Munich to Augsburg I came across a small fire a little ways into the woods. Very stealthily I found two travelers who feasted on a piece of raw meat. While I crept closer I saw their facial features turn feral, and I immediately recognized them as Schakal. Just as I came close to reaching them, they recognized me and fled.

Schakal are renowned for the fact they eat children, making them one of several canine Wesen to eat humans.

Ich war ja wohl dabei, sie zu verfolgen, wenn ich merkte wie das Fleischstück, womit sie sich gerade beschäftigt halten, ganz unbehaart erschien, aber weder vom Schwein noch irgendeinger Art Tier war was ich je zuvor gesehen hatte. Ein Kleinkind war's.

Vom folgenden Morgen bis zum Abend spürte ich die Männer auf bevor ich sie endlich einholte. Diesmal war ich aber bereit, und schlug mit der Axt gleich nieder. Die Köpfe spießte ich darauf in auf.


I was surely about to pursue them when I realized how the piece of meat with which they keep busy, appeared completely hairless, but neither was pork nor any of several species of animal that I had ever seen before. 'Twas a baby. From the next morning till night I tracked the men before I finally caught up. This time however, I was ready and hit the ax down the same. The heads I speared it into.


Season 1 Blu-ray Grimm Guide Profile[]

Jackal creatures, notorious for jewel thievery and eating babies. Grimms have killed them over time by cutting off their heads.


Wesen in Grimm
Accipitrid Wesen Barbatus Ossifrage, Geier, Steinadler
Amphibian Wesen Folterseele
Bovine Wesen Fuilcré, Heftigauroch, Taureus-Armenta
Canine Wesen Anubis, Apgadnieks, Blutbad, Coyotl, Höllentier, Hundjäger, Inugami, Luison, Schakal, Wældreór, Wildesheer
Caprine Wesen Krampus, Seelengut, Ziegevolk
Cathartid Wesen Raub-Kondor
Cetancodont Wesen Taweret
Chelicerate Wesen Spinnetod
Chelonian Wesen Genio Innocuo
Chimeric Wesen Manticore, Naiad, Wettbewerbsgewinner
Chiropteran Wesen Murciélago
Dinosaur Wesen Glühenvolk
Falconid Wesen Uhranuti
Feline Wesen Klaustreich, Weten Ogen
Hexapod Wesen Ataktos Fuse, Gevatter Tod, Jinnamuru Xunte, Kackenkopf, Mellifer, Musasat Alsh-Shabab
Lagomorpha Wesen Willahara
Lepidosauromorphan Wesen Furis Rubian, Königschlange, Lausenschlange, Phansigar, Quijada Vil, Skalengeck, Varme Tyv, Wasser Zahne
Lutrine Wesen Luisant-Pêcheur
Machairodontine Wesen Mauvais Dentes
Meline Wesen Drang-Zorn
Mustelid Wesen Ungeziefer Greifer
Osteichthyan Wesen Cracher-Mortel, Hasenfussige Schnecke, Matança Zumbido, Unnamed Red Herring-like Wesen
Pantherine Wesen Balam, Löwen, Pflichttreue, Yaguaraté
Passeriform Wesen Seltenvogel
Perissodactyl Wesen Dickfellig, Nuckelavee
Primate Wesen Alpe, Aswang, Cupiditas, El Cucuy, El Cuegle, Excandesco, Fuchsteufelwild, Hässlich, Hexenbiest, Indole Gentile, Koschie, Musai, Siegbarste, Wendigo, Wildermann, Zerstörer
Pseudosuchian Wesen Gelumcaedus, Skalenzahne
Rodent Wesen Eisbiber, Mauzhertz, Reinigen, Riesen-Ratte, Stangebär
Sauropsidans Wesen Dämonfeuer
Spiralian Wesen Gedächtnis Esser, Huntha Lami Muuaji, Lebensauger
Strigiform Wesen Scharfblicke
Suinan Wesen Bauerschwein, Malin Fatal, Schinderdiv
Ursid Wesen Jägerbar
Vulpine Wesen Fuchsbau, Kitsune, Vulpesmyrca