Grimm Wiki
Grimm Wiki
The subject of the article is involved with season 1 The subject of the article is involved with season 2 The subject of the article is involved with season 3 The subject of the article is involved with season 4 The subject of the article is involved with season 5 The subject of the article is involved with season 6 The subject of the article won at least 1 Grimmy Award in 2012
119-Nick crossbow
Owned by: Dead Marie Kessler (formerly)
Nick Burkhardt
Kelly Schade-Burkhardt
Others: Monroe
Theresa Rubel
Dead Kelly Burkhardt
Hank Griffin
Purpose: Killing/Wounding Wesen
Location: Trailer
Exotic Spice & Tea Shop basement (formerly)
Marie's Trailer (formerly)

Doppelarmbrust (DOP-pəl-arm-broost; pl: -brüste; Ger. doppel "double"/"twin" + Armbrust "crossbow") is a type of crossbow designed by Grimms to kill Blutbaden. A Doppelarmbrust fires two hollow bolts without reloading. The bolts act as a ranged delivery injection system that can be loaded with many different types of poisons and serums. The design is closest to a French or Italian weapon. ("The Mythology of Grimm")



Side view

The standardized version, as shown in the Grimm diaries, is one loaded with hellebore extract, and the other with hemlock extract. The hellebore extract has a sedative power to counter the Blutbad's "moon madness" ("The Mythology of Grimm") (this is used if the Grimm wishes to interrogate the Wesen), the second is poison, and means that any hit is lethal. It is also possible to fill the bolt with other herbs or potions, and use it to administer them.

These herbs are also effective against other Wesen, and when the Dopplearmbrust was in Nick's possession, it was his go-to weapon when his gun wouldn't suffice.

There are several different sized darts one can use with the Doppelarmbrust, including the 4-inch, 6-inch, and 8-inch darts, as well as "jumbo" darts. The jumbo darts are the largest and can carry the most amount of toxin or solution needed. ("Double Date")

Even when not filled with poison, the bolts themselves can be lethal if a Wesen is vulnerable to their penetrative power and targeted in a vital area, such as the throat of a Hässlich. ("Leave It to Beavers")

Excerpt from Grimm Diaries[]

Double decker crossbow: useful on Blutbaden

proper steps to fill
Arrow #1: carefully fill with Hellebore Extract
Arrow #2: Fill generously with Hemlock
The first arrow will tranquilize the target. The second bolt filled with Hemlock will stop their heart. It is important to use the below illustrated Doppelarmbrust - that is - the double-decker crossbow.

I recently developed this method of filling the hollow shafts of the arrow with various poisons to destroy the stronger of my enemies faster. The Blutbad is one of the more aggressive Wesen. I grew tired of the long battles. The poisons help to hinder the reflexes and paralyze the muscles when an ordinary arrow, which does not hit its target precisely, would simply anger the Wesen.

While I have primarily tested this method on the Blutbaden, it seems to work well on other Wesen as well, specifically the Haslich (sic), the Rißfleisch and the Mordstier. A similar idea works well with the Siegbarste, however, due to the thick skin of the ogre, arrows do not have the inertia needed to pierce the skin. Bullets dipped in poison are the only effective way (sic)



  • The Doppelarmbrust was pictured in promo images for Season 4, and it was also specifically pictured in a promo image on Grimm's social media sites to help promote the Season 4 finale, "Cry Havoc", with a caption that read, "Grab your crossbows."[1]

